Keep your company’s vital information backed up and protected on your own terms. Select only the files you want to backup and run either an automated or on-demand process. Set your own backup schedule to fit the needs of your company and ensure that your information is always secured in a timely and efficient manner.
Encrypt your data before it ever leaves the host computer, then store it in its encrypted state. We use only the highest quality encryption programs which are held to government standards set forth by HIPAA, SOX and GLB. Once the encryption process is complete, the information is only accessible to authorized users. Your data will be completely at your disposal whenever you need it without the risk of security violations.
Eliminate the need for on-site storage and maintenance by storing your data in the cloud. Your information will be copied and stored on redundant servers, in multiple data centers equipped with the highest standards of security measures, climate control and power sources in place. Additionally, all maintenance and upgrades to systems and software is performed by our IT professionals, taking the burden off of your staff and substantially reducing infrastructure cost.
Access your information in a timely, secure manner and get your business back up and running with the smallest amount of down time possible, should disaster ever strike. Floods, fires, human error and technical malfunctions pose very real threats to business continuity. Cloud storage and backup solutions offer a high degree of data protection and security as well as instant access to your information from any electronic device with internet access.